Science as a process

Author: Frank LaBanca, Ed.D.

Please respond in 100-200 proofed, succinct words to the following question. Be sure to include factual information supported with personal insight gained from this course.

Are science and creativity related?

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24 Responses to “Science as a process”

  1. Sam Wong Says:

    I do believe science and creativity are related. The field of science is so diverse projects come from many spectrums in the science. To ensure a unique and individual project creativity is needed. For my project I had to be creative in the way I used my knowledge of the PCR process. I used my creativity to form a project that would be obtainable to conduct for one year and that would bypass a complicated review. Creativity can only lead to an individual project that is distinctive. My creativity came into play when I migrated towards genetically modified food instead of human DNA. If creativity is not present in science then new achievements and discoveries would be nonexistent and there would be monotony.

  2. drew taylor Says:

    Science and creativity are deeply intertwined. Creativity is pivotal in order for new branches of science to be created and new discoveries to be found. Scientist need to formulate new experiments for a better understanding of the life around us, and without creativity scientists would be conducting the same tests tediously. For my project, I am testing two sites on the Long Island Sound and comparing the water quality in each. Mr. LaBanca has worked with these fish before, and I could be testing for the exact same variables. But creativity has allowed me to branch out and test for new biomarkers of water quality. Creativity is needed in order for science to continue advancing well into the future.

  3. Alex FLEMing Says:

    Creativity and science are so related that they are inseperable. The more creative a scientist is and the more chances and opertunities a scientist gets to express his creativity, the better the scientist’schances are of making a new discovery. Although I may not make some astounding new discovery, my project would not exist if it weren’t for my creative side and some guidance from Mr. LaBanca. Being able to develope muscles geared toward drumming is good, but being able to discover virtually every possible potential of every drummer is remarkable. Learning to calculate the velocity that a human is capable of given certain information is my most advanced and challenging goal in science. I would have been figuring out how to make glass if I lacked creativity.

  4. Rebecca Reed Says:

    Science and creativity are definitely related. In the field of science, one is often required to think out of the box. Science could not continue to progress without the constant creativity of scientists designing new experiments, trying new ideas, and looking at old ideas in new ways. Change requires creativity to initiate it and without change, science could not exist. For my project I am doing an experiment with neural networks. There have been many tests already done with neural networks, and it was very hard to come up with a new twist on old ideas in order to have a unique and new project. It would have been much easier to do a test that has already been done, but such actions do not further science and if no one had any creativity, science would come to a stand-still. People would become capable only of repeating old experiments and proving the same ideas. The existance of science depends upon creativity.

  5. luke fernandes Says:

    Science basically needs creativity. Without creativity we would not know what “gravity is” or Newton’s 2nd law of motion. Being creative allows you to visualize invisible forces like gravity. Being creative also helps you produce apparatuses that will help with scientific projects and labs. In my project I have to create a reflux apparatus that would fit inside a microwave. I took to flasks and connected them with a rubber stopper. In the rubber stopper is a test tube where the vapors will rise into. The top flask will hold ice which condenses the vapors. Creativity is related to science, I think creativity drives science. Without creativity we would not be as advanced to science as we are today.

  6. alex albritton Says:

    Creativity is greatly needed in science. Scientists need to be able to think of answers to difficult problems. The answers are rarely laid out plain though and it takes creative thinking to put together a solution. I currently am trying to find a way to sterilize Tryptic soy broth and other materials for my project. I can use a pressure cooker but unless I find a stable enough stand for the cooker it could be dangerous. The other way I could use the microwave but there is no guarantee that the equipment would be fully sterilized and that could affect the results of my research. I will need to find an answer but there is no set way to find it and it won’t be handed to me so it will require original thought on my part.

  7. Sarah Peck Says:

    Science and creativity are incredibly interwoven. Without creativity, science would not be what it is today. Where would medicine be if Alexander Fleming did not notice, recognize, and apply a simple common mold to its full potential? Without creativity, he may not have been able to apply the knowledge of what the mold could do to a practical usage. Being a scientist requires one to look critically at known processes for a way to create a desired outcome from what already exists. To come up with a useful, intelligent, and applicable project, scientists have to think out of the box to apply their knowledge of one subject to use it effectively in a completely different situation.

  8. Maricate Conlon Says:

    Without creativity science would lose its status as one of the most unpredictable and exciting fields of study. To find new research projects, draw conclusions and create theories researchers have to be curious and creative. Problems arise in everyday science and researchers must find creative solutions or avoidances of such challenges. In my project, creating a device in which I can accurately test chitin bioremediation of contaminated soil has been one of the most challenging aspects of my procedure and research plan. I had to devise a model of the device that would easily transport the chitin substance to the contaminated soil. It was rewarding to finally work out the kinks of this aspect of my procedure and use my creative skills to adapt my procedure to the means of equipment available to me. Creativity is an essential part of science because it refreshes curiosity and causes the field of science to be ever changing.

  9. kendra o'connor Says:

    I definatly belive that science and creativity are strongly related. Science and creativity depend on each other. It is through creativity that science has become such a successful and important field. Creativity is strongly needed when scienctists are trying to establish or identify a problem. A successful scientists is one who can look at a situation in a completely different, and creative, perspective, and is able to pick out the problems, and then try to answer them. Science is also needed to help drive creativity. Many of the most creative and astonishing peices of art work came from ideas stemmed from something scientific that the artist had seen. They are able to look at something that they may not fully understand, but have a great interest in, and turn around the image in their head to come up with something completely original and distinct. Some of the greatest artists of our history were also men of science. The best example of this is Leonardo DaVinci. The man was a genius of both art and science, intertwining the two into his artwork and his scientific theories. He truly helped head the collision of creativity and art that is seen everywhere in our society today. Without the creativity, there would be no new discoveries, no new acheivements, and without the science, there would be no stories or pictures to tell, and nature would be completly divided.

  10. Sarah Gutbrod Says:

    The psychological field defines the act of being creative as the ability to deal with novel situations and adapt to a new experience, a form of intelligence in its own right. Using this definition, science, especially research cannot exist without creativity. A scientific researcher must first create an ideological hypothesis to begin their research. This is where they must excel in the traditional form of intelligence or what is referred to as the “g” factor in psychology. Abstract reasoning and analytical thinking will help the researcher with this first step of research. However, the researcher cannot continue his research without transforming an ideological concept to physical experimentation. Creativity is imperative for this step. The researcher must be able to find new ways around obstacles when the envisioned method does not work. Very rarely do researchers see their initial ideas all the way through. The ending result may not even be that which they intended. There are variables that are not taken into account and must be dealt with as they are encountered. The scientist must be able to adapt to these situations and modify their materials or procedures in order to succeed. This flexibility gives the field of science its ever-changing landscape and allows for new ideas and new concepts to be discovered.

  11. Lauren Nemeth Says:

    I have always believed that science and creativity are related, but after this year, it has become even more apparent than before. Creativity is defined as “the ability to create.” In any scientific field, it is necessary to be at least somewhat creative. It is easy for anyone to repeat an experiment that is written down in a textbook, and perhaps he or she is able to learn from that, but true “hands on” activities include the ability to create those experiments. Science is the application of creative ideas to real life. Without creativity, we clearly would not be where we are today. One must be able to apply the factual evidence that has already been found to the creativeness he or she possesses. Like Sarah said, intelligence cannot be measured merely by how “smart” a person appears to be. Psychologist Daniel Goldman was the first to incorporate creativity into how “intelligent” a human is, and to truly be considered “intelligent” one must be intellectual as well as creative, especially in the sciences.

  12. Laura Konkos Says:

    I believe that creativity is the life behind science. Without creative ideas, and creative minds who discover patterns and other achievements within science, there would be no science. In 8th grade the first thing my teacher asked us to do was to define science. Not knowing what I have learned now, there was nothing about creativity within my definition. After three years in high school, and attending the JSHS as a spectator for the past two year, I have learned that science and creativity are closely related. Without creativity, there would be no breakthroughs or discoveries in science. There would be no theories to prove and no ideas to investigate. Without creativity, I wouldn’t be able to come up with my project this year, because there would obviously be no project. I would have never thought to connect the two oil spills, do macorinvertebrate sampling, find the hydrocarbons left in the soil, find the phosphates and nitrates in the water, and more.

  13. Laura Koscomb Says:

    Science is nothing without creativity. If scientists were not creative there would be no advances being made in science today. We would be stuck because they would not be able to think up a new and different way to approach every unknown idea. Engineers are a very good example of using creativity in science because of how often they have to think up new ways to build something to make it work or to make it more efficient. A good representation of this is my project, which has gone through many changes and is still being revised. In order for my project to be able to be completed by a high school student in about a year’s time it is necessary to tone down all of the ideas I had about West Nile Virus testing. If I was not creative there would have been no advances at all on this project. Thus it is obvious that science and creativity are related, one cannot be present without the other.

  14. Harriet Morgan Says:

    I feel that creativity and science aid one another. Creativity is a huge part of science. In order for inventions and discoveries to be made a scientist needs to be creative in order to think of a possible solution to the problem. For the period of time which I have been taking Applied Science Research I have noticed many students around me, including myself using creativity to aid and create their research project. I am aware of many projects which were not complex enough or had already be completed. When this occured students used creativity is used to think of a new idea or to expand a previous idea. In my research project I am measuring the reappearence of bioluminescence in regenerating brittle star limbs. Due to the fact that the brittle stars come from the ocean we have to create that smae enviroment, between 40-45 degrees F. We did this by placing the tank inside a refrigerator. We then encountered the problem of there being no light inside the fridge so we came up with the idea of putting the light on a timer so that the stars will have day and night. I needed to use creativity in order to make my science project work. If there was no creativity in science then it would all be very easy to predict.

  15. Jonathan Bryant Says:

    I believe creativity is the basis of all science. If we imagine how much thought is put into some of the most common novelty items we have now like the watch or the computer it is difficult to argue that no creativity was involved. At some point, the idea was some “silly” fantasy of a scientific genius. Inventors of such items must have been creative to create a unique yet pragmatic product. Out-of-the-box thinking is always necessary in the field of science; it’s how our world has come to be. If we look closely at all scientific discoveries, creativity has been the underlying value. It’s hard to image what our world will be like within even a decade with the ever progressing world of science and the creativity that young children possess today.

  16. Ivan Says:

    Science and creativity are very related. If people in science were not creative, there would be absolutely no science as we know it today. No new inventions would be made and no discoveries would be aknowledged because people would not want to “think outside the box” and say that there is something new and different besides what they already know. Also, actual scientific research requires a lot of creativity, because in the process one comes across many setbacks and problems that require creativity to solve.To make new insight within that research and to see that there is something new and something that you have not seen before requires creativity, as does coming up with an experiment to find out something new. Without creativity science would not exist.

  17. Dayton Horvath Says:

    Science and creativity can or can’t be related, it all depends on the person’s ideals. If somebody has a very analytical mind and can’t excel in literature or drama, then creativity can’t be used in their interests of Science. If a very creative, artistic person takes an interest in a certain area of Science, they may provide an uncommon view or perspective to add to their ideas. To me, creativity may aid science on occasion but will never take over problem solving skills and logical thought. Creativity doesn’t require logic or problem solving to yield worthy results, unlike science which may require both to find and answer a problem correctly. Forming a theory is theoretical and may be helped by creativity but to prove it, only the realms of science can do so rightfully.

  18. Dan Bunger Says:

    Science and creativity are reliant on each other. Without creativity science would lack true significance and impact on our world. Without science, creativity would be stifled at the point where an idea may become reality. I have found so far in this class that creativity is only as good as your resources. If science did not exist, the ideas to create a pill to cure diseases would be lost. But without creativity the drug researchers would not be able to solve the problems they face with science. Creativity creates an idea to make our lives better, and science enables it to become reality.

  19. gabby nastri Says:

    “It is the tension between creativity and skepticism that has produced the stunning and unexpected findings of science.”- carl sagan. Science and creativity are definitely related. I have discovered this first hand through my project. Every experiment and design has a flaw and each flaw needs to be corrected through a creative process. Sometimes in science you have to improvise and try something no one else has tried. A lot of breakthroughs in science have come from mistakes, which take a creative mind to turn into something useful. Science would be nothing without creativity.

  20. Alex de Brantes Says:

    Science and creativity are directly related because of one thing the both can not function with out each other. If no one ever thought outside the box then science would have never progressed. If their was no creativity then maybe we would still think a molecule is the smallest particle. In my project if i did not think outside the box with the help of mr. labanca i probably would have contiued on with life with never knowing that a car could run on vegetable oil.

  21. Derek Says:

    Yes, science & creativity are related. In order to be a scientist, you have to have an aspect of creativity in your personality. If creativity was not related to science, then almost all of the recent scientific discoveries would not have been discovered. Almost every scientific experiment has some form of improvisation, whether it be a material or chemical problem that needs fixing, or somthing that revolves around a machine. I have had to be creative in my project many times. When my solar panal was melting from the heat of the light bulb, I had to figure out a way to stop it. I tried to use fluorecent light, but that did not work. I ended up traping the heat by shining the light through water at the solar panal. If science did not have a creative aspect to it, I would never have been able to do that.

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  24. Inoncent Says:

    1. Start Once upon a time 2. People watch3. Ask someone old about how thigns used to be4. Make a mad-lib outline, and have friends fill in the blanks5. Try watercolor painting6. Write an Ode to something you love7. Write a nonesense dialogue between two people8. Make a picture from cutout pieces of paper9. Read Poetry10. Write The Book of ___ then cover every aspect of the subject

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